Cancer screening and prevention is always critical, but during COVID-19 we are all concerned about our health especially the acute changes, and we all want to protect ourselves. With the emphasis on social distancing it is hard to think about any health concerns except how can I keep myself and my family safe to prevent us from getting this terrible virus. Unfortunately, that keeps us from taking care of other health issues that may be developing, and things like cancer screening are getting put on the back burner. But whether it’s COVID-19 or something else that’s causing you to put off cancer screening, we highly recommend you don’t.
If you notice a concerning symptom PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE IT, no matter your age. We are seeing colorectal cancers in young patients that a decade or two ago was unheard of. Hospitals and your healthcare providers are taking the necessary precautions to keep you safe from getting the virus if you follow the simple rules of wearing a mask, social distancing, wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, and don’t touch your face.