Carolina Elizabeth Fasola, MD
About Dr. Fasola
Professional Organizations
Radiological Society of North America
American Association for Women Radiologists
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
Awards & Affiliations

Clinical Oncology Global Health Rotation
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
During this elective rotation, I participated in daily patient rounds in Spanish and had exposure to a variety of cases in Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology. I also participated in a lecture series for residents
Kaiser Oakland Department of Internal Medicine
Oakland, CA
Preliminary Internship in Internal Medicine
Cancer Research Training
Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Radiation Oncology Residency Training Program
Chief Resident, 2014-2015
American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) Member-in-Training Committee member 2014
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Resident and Fellow Committee member 2012-present
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Research Fellow
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Cancer Research Training Fellow
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA
EUSOM Medical Student Senate
Senator 2005-2010
Secretary 2006-2008
Emory University School of Medicine (EUSOM) and Rollins School of Public Health
Atlanta, GA
Doctor of Medicine, Master of Public Health in Epidemiology and Global Health
Columbia University
Paris, France
Summer Abroad
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD
Pathology Cytogenetics Laboratory Research Assistant
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA
Summer Course
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY
Bachelor of Arts in Biology with Honors and Departmental Honors
Find Dr. Fasola’s full list of publications on PubMed here.
- Ward MC, Bentzen SM, Fasola CE, Khan AJ, White RL, Vicini F, Shah C. An Estimate of Local Failure in the TARGIT-A Trial of Pre-pathology Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Jan
- Kandula S, Switchenko JM, Harari S, Fasola C, Mister D, Yu DS, Zelnak A, Torres MA. Locoregional recurrence risk in breast cancer patients with estrogen receptor positive tumors and residual nodal disease following neoadjuvant chemotherapy and mastectomy without radiation therapy. Int J Breast Cancer 2015.
- Negahdar M, Fasola CE, Yu AS, von Eyben R, Yamamoto T, Diehn M, Fleischmann D, Tian L, Loo BW, Maxim PG. Noninvasive pulmonary nodule elastometry by CT and deformable image registration. Radiother Oncol 2015;115:35-40.
- Fasola CE, Horst, KC. Identification of patients at very low risk of local recurrence after breast-conserving surgery. Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. 2014;25:339-340.
- Fasola CE, Jones JC, Huang DD, Le QT, Hoppe RT, Donaldson SS. Low dose radiation therapy (2 Gy x 2) in the treatment of orbital lymphoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2013;86:930-5.
- Marcus DM, Switchenko JM, Prabhu R, O’Regan R, Zelnak A, Fasola C, Mister D, Torres MA. Neoadjuvant hormonal therapy is associated with comparable outcomes to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in post-menopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Front. Oncol. 2013;3:317.
- Fasola CE, Horst KC. Fractionation for whole breast irradiation: an American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) evidence-based guideline. Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly 2012;23:182-183.
- Chen J, Chen C, Atwood TF, Gibbs IC, Soltys SG, Fasola C, Xing L. Volumetric modulated arc therapy planning method for supine craniospinal irradiation. Journal of Radiation Oncology 2012;1:291-297.
- Prabhu R, Godette K, Carlson G, Losken A, Gabram S, Fasola C, O’Regan R, Zelnak A, Torres M. The impact of skin-sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in patients with Stage III breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and postmastectomy radiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012;82:e587-593.
Dr. Carolina Elizabeth Fasola 02-18-2017 - Fasola CE, Jensen KC, Pai JS, Wang Z, Allison KH, Horst KC. Local recurrence among patients with pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast: is there a role for radiation? Manuscript Submitted to The Breast.
- Horst KC, Fasola CE, Ikeda D, Bruce D, Ognibene G, Goffinet DR, Dirbas FM. Five-year results of a prospective clinical trial investigating accelerated partial breast irradiation using 3D conformal radiotherapy after lumpectomy for early stage breast cancer – locoregional recurrence and toxicity. Manuscript Submitted to International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics.
- Vassar College, Environmental Risks and Breast Cancer. CD-ROM, 2005.
Selected Meeting Presentations
- Fasola CE, Kapp DS, Kidd EA. Favorable outcomes using radiation therapy after chemotherapy in the management of primary, recurrent and metastatic ovarian cancer. Accepted for Poster Presentation. ARS Annual Meeting 2015. Kauai, HI.
- Fasola CE, Horst KC, Goffinet DR, Ognibene G, Bobo S, Dirbas FM. Local recurrence among patients with early stage breast cancer treated with intraoperative radiotherapy: the effect of systemic therapy. Accepted for Poster Presentation. ASTRO Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA.
- Fasola CE, Jones JC, Huang DD, Le QT, Hoppe RT, Donaldson SS. Low dose radiation therapy (2 Gy x 2) in the treatment of orbital lymphoma. Oral Presentation. ASTRO Annual Meeting 2013, Atlanta, GA. Abstract selected for first annual Best of ASTRO 2013.
- Fasola CE et al. Impact of receptor status on prognosis among breast cancer patients with brain metastases treated with CyberKnife radiosurgery. Poster Presentation. San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2012, San Antonio, TX.
- Fasola CE et al. Local regional recurrence among patients with pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast: is there a role for radiation? Poster Presentation. ASTRO Annual meeting 2012, Boston, MA.
- Fasola CE et al. Effect of radiotherapy on local regional recurrence among patients with pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Oral Presentation. ASTRO Annual Meeting 2010, San Diego, CA.
- Fasola CE et al. Atypical fracture in a post-menopausal woman taking alendronate. Poster Presentation. American College of Physicians (ACP) regional conference 2010, San Francisco, CA.
- Fasola CE et al. Imaging and receptor status as predictors of pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Poster Presentation. ASTRO Annual Meeting 2009, Chicago, IL.
- Fasola CE et al. The effect of radiotherapy on local regional recurrence among patients with pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced
breast cancer. Poster Presentation. SABCS 2009, San Antonio, TX. - Fasola CE et al. Homozygosity mapping in an inbred population using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes. Poster Presentation. Medical Student Research Day, 2007. EUSOM, Atlanta, GA.
- Fasola CE et al. Homozygosity mapping in an inbred population using high-density single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes. Poster Presentation. Summer Research Poster Session 2006. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
- Axilbund JE, Klein AP, Bacon JA, Wang L, Edelstein D, Fasola CE, Giardiello FM, Griffin CA. Risk of pancreatic cancer in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. 2006.
- Struewing JP, Clifford RJ, Pereira LHM, Pineda MA, Fasola CE, Zhang H, Finney RP, Zhang J, Buetow KH. A likelihood approach to defining homozygous tracts using high-density SNP genotypes. Poster Presentation. American Society of Human Genetics annual conference 2006.
- Fasola CE et al. The significance of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for detection of 1p and 19q chromosomal loss in archival gliomas. Poster Presentation. Annual Pathology Young Investigators’ Day 2004, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.
Invited Lectures
- Fasola CE, Advani R, Hoppe RT. Clinical outcomes and risk of late effects among patients with stage I-II Hodgkin’s disease with large mediastinal adenopathy treated with combined
modality therapy. - Fasola CE, Ognibene G, Kapp DS, Kidd E. The benefit of radiation therapy in the management of recurrent ovarian cancer.
- Fasola CE, Horst KC, Goffinet DR, Ognibene G, Bobo, S, Dirbas FM. The effect of systemic therapy on local relapse among patients with early stage breast cancer treated with intraoperative radiotherapy