Dr. Ward is a native of Atlanta and as a Georgia Tech alum, he bleeds white and gold through thick and thin. He has published over thirty research papers focusing on head and neck, prostate, lung and breast cancer. He is a co-editor of the textbook, “Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology,” a comprehensive guide of clinical radiation oncology. In his free time, he enjoys spending time outside with his wife and kids, and being a part of the local church.

Matthew C. Ward, MD
workRadiation Oncologist
location_onAtrium Health – Levine Cancer Institute – CMC Radiation Therapy Center
About Dr. Ward
"Although we do not always have control over cancer, we always have control over how people are treated. I feel privileged to partner with patients and their families during their challenging time."
Dr. Ward
Board Certification
January 2, 2018
South Carolina #MD40519
North Carolina #224048
Professional Organizations
Cleveland Clinic
2013 - 2017
Cleveland, Ohio
Residency, Chief Resident (2015 - 2016)
Cleveland Clinic
2012 - 2013
Cleveland, Ohio
Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
2008 - 2012
Augusta, Georgia
Doctor of Medicine
Georgia Institute of Technolgoy
2004 - 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
BS in Biomedical Engineering with High Honors
Charlotte, North Carolina
Find Dr. Ward’s full list of publications on PubMed here.
- Ward MC, Bentzen SM, Fasola CE, Khan AJ, White RL, Vicini F, Shah C. An Estimate of Local Failure in the TARGIT-A Trial of Pre-pathology Intraoperative Radiation Therapy for Early Breast Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Jan
- Ward MC, Recht A, Vicini F, Al-Hilli Z, Asha W, Chadha M, Abraham A, Thaker N, Khan AJ, Keisch M, Shah C. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Ultra-Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiation Therapy Alone Versus Hormone Therapy Alone or Combined Treatment for Low-Risk ER-Positive Early Stage Breast Cancer in Women Aged 65 Years and Older. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Jul [Epub 2022 Dec 28].
- Survivorship Care Plans Improve the Identification of Post-radiation Hypothyroidism After Head and Neck Cancer Treatment
- Berriochoa C, Ward MC, Weller MA, Holliday E, Kusano A, Thomas CR, Tendulkar RD. “Applicant interview experiences and post-interview communication of the 2016 radiation oncology match cycle.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, In press as of August 9, 2016.
- Ward MC, Reddy CA, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “Use of Systemic Therapy with Definitive Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: A National Cancer Database Analysis.” Cancer, In press. ePub August 9, 2016.
- Ward MC, Ross RB, Koyfman SA, Lorenz R, Lamarre ED, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Joshi NP, Woody NM, Prendes B, Houston N, Reddy CA, Greskovich JF, Adelstein DJ. “Modern Image-Guided IMRT for Oropharynx Cancer: Severe Late Toxicity and Implications for Clinical Trial Design.” JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, ePub July 20, 2016.
- Ward MC, Oh SC, Pham YT, Woody NM, Marwaha G, Videtic GM, Stephans KL. “Isolated Nodal Failure after Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer: The Role for Salvage Mediastinal Radiotherapy.” J Thorac Oncol, 11:1558-64, 2016.
- Ward MC, Riaz N, Caudell JJ, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J, Awan MJ, Vargo JA, Heron DE, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay M, Siddiqui F, Trotti AM, Lee NY, Koyfman SA. “Refining Patient Selection for Reirradiation of Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma in the IMRT Era: A Multi-Institution Cohort Study by the MIRI Collaborative.” Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 2018 Mar 1; 100(3):586-594.
- Vargo JA, Ward MC, Caudell JJ, Riaz N, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J, Awan MJ, Higgins KA, Hassanadeh C, Beitler JJ, Reddy CA, Marcrom S, Boggs DH, Bonner JA, Yao M, Machtay M, Siddiqui F, Trotti AM, Lee NY, Koyfman SA, Ferris RL, Heron DE. “A Multi-Institution Comparison of SBRT and IMRT for Definitive Re-Irradiation of Recurrent or Second Primary Head and Neck Cancer.” Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2018 Mar 1; 100(3):595-605.
- Caudell JJ, Ward MC, Riaz N, Zakem SJ, Awan MJ, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Hassanzadeh C, Vargo JA, Heron DW, Marcrom S, Boggs DH, Reddy CA, Dault J, Bonner JA, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Koyfman SA, Machtay M, Yao M, Trotti AM, Siddiqui F, Lee NY. “Volume, Dose and Fractionation Considerations for IMRT-based Re-Irradiation in Head and Neck Cancer: A Multi-Insitution Analysis. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2018 Mar 1; 100(3):606-617.
- Xiao R, Ward MC, Yang K, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA, Prendes BL, Burkey BB. “Increased Pathologic Upstaging with Rising Time to Treatment Initiation for Head and Neck Cancer: A Mechanism for Increased Mortality.” Cancer 2018 Apr 1; 124(7):1400-1414.
- Ward MC, Shah C, Adelstein DJ, Geiger JL, Miller JA, Koyfman SA, Singer ME. “Cost-effectiveness of Nivolumab for Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer.” Oral Oncol, 2017 Nov; 74:49-55.
- Ross RB, Koyfman SA, Reddy CA, Houston N, Geiger JL, Woody NM, Joshi NP, Greskovich JF, Burkey BB, Scharpf J, Lamarre ED, Prendes B, Lorenz R, Adelstein DJ, Ward MC. “A Matched Comparison of HPV-Induced Squamous Cancer of Unknown Primary with Early Oropharynx Cancer.” Laryngoscoope 2017 Oct 31 Epub.
- Karthik N, Ward MC, Juloori A, Scott J, Mesko N, Shah C. “Factors associated with Acute and Chronic Wound Complications in Patients with Soft-Tissue Sarcoma with Long-term Follow-up.” Am J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jan 8 ePub.
- Scharpf J, Ward MC, Li M, Koyfman SA, Adelstein DJ, Burkey BB. “Elucidation of Salvage Laryngectomy Pathologic and Clinical Variables to Guide Further Treatment Investigation.” Laryngoscope 2017. Sep 11 Epub.
- Woody NM, Ward MC, Koyfman SA, Reddy CA, Geiger JL, Joshi N, Burkey B, Scharpf J, Lamarre E, Prendes B, Adelstein DJ. “Adjuvant Chemoradiation after Surgical Resection in Elderly Patients with High-risk Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck: a National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) Analysis.” Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys 2017. Jul 15; 98(4):784-792.
- Kim JM, Miller JA, Kotecha R, Xiao R, Juloori A, Ward MC, Ahluwalia MS, Mohammadi AM, Peereboom DM, Murphy ES, Suh JH, Barnett GH, Vogelbaum MA, Angelov L, Stevens GH, Chao ST. The Risk of Radiation Necrosis following Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Concurrent Systemic Therapies. J Neurooncol. 2017 Jun; 133(2):357-368.
- Weller MA, Ward MC, Berriochoa C, Reddy C, Trosman S, Greskovich J, Nwizu T, Burkey B, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman S. “Cetuximab based bioradiotherapy is associated with higher rates of distant metastases than platinum based chemoradiotherapy in HPV positive oropharyngeal cancer.” Head Neck. 2017 May; 39(5):940-946.
- Ward MC, Oh SC, Pham YT, Woody NM, Marwaha G, Videtic GM, Stephans KL. “Isolated Nodal Failure after Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer: The Role for Salvage Mediastinal Radiotherapy.” J Thorac Oncol, 11(9):1558-64, 2016.
- Ward MC, Adelstein DJ, Bhateja P, Nwizu TI, Scharpf J, Houston N, Lamarre ED, Lorenz R, Burkey BB, Greskovich JF, Koyfman SA. “Severe Late Dysphagia and Cause of Death after Concurrent Chemoradiation for Larynx Cancer in Patients Eligible for RTOG 91-11.” Oral Oncol, 57:21-6, June 2016.
- Bhateja P, Ward MC, Hunter GH, Greskovich JF, Reddy CA, Nwizu TI, Lamarre E, Burkey BB, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “Impaired vocal cord mobility in T2N0 glottic carcinoma: Suboptimal local control with radiation alone.” Head Neck. 2016 Dec; 38(12):1832-1836.
- Ward MC, Bhateja P, Nwizu T, Kmiecik J, Reddy C, Scharpf J, Lamarre E, Burkey B, Greskovich JF, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “The Impact of Feeding Tube Choice on Severe Late Dysphagia after Definitive Chemoradiation for HPV-Negative Head and Neck Cancer.” Head Neck. 38 Supp 1:E1045-60, April 2016.
- Trosman SJ, Kofman SA, Ward MC, Al-Khudari S, Nwizu T, Greskovich JG, Lamarre ED, Scharpf J, Khan MJ, Lorenz RR, Adelstein DJ, Burkey BB. “Distant metastatic failure patterns in squamous cell cancer of the oropharynx treated with chemoradiation: the impact of human papillomavirus” JAMA Otol H&N Surgery, 141(5):457-62, May 2015.
- Naik M, Ward MC, Bledsoe TJ, Kumar AMS, Rybicki LA, Saxton JP, Burkey BB, Greskovich JF, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “It is not just IMRT: Human papillomavirus related oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma is associated with better swallowing outcomes after definitive chemoradiotherapy“. Oral Oncol, 51(8):800-4, Aug 2015.
- Ward MC, Shah A, Greskovich JF, Nwizu TI, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Khan M, Lamarre E, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA, Xia P. “The Prognostic Value of Pre-Treatment FDG-PET Parameters in HPV Associated Oropharynx Cancer.” J Radiat Oncol, ePub Dec 10, 2015.
- Ward MC, Lan L, Chen AY, Beitler JJ. “The value of tumor diameter in predicting prognosis of oropharynx cancer treated with chemoradiation.” Oral Oncol. 48(9): 876-880, Sept 2012.
Original Manuscripts
- Broughman JR, Xiong DD, Moeller BJ, Contrera KJ, Prendes BL, Lamarre ED, Ku JA, Burkey BB, Woody NM, Joshi NP, Adelstein DJ, Geiger, JL, Frenkel CH, Milas ZL, Brickman DS, Sumrall AL, Carrizosa DR, Greskovich JF, Koyfman SA, Ward MC. “Rethinking the 10-pack-year rule for Favorable Human Papillomavirus-associated Oropharynx Carcinoma: A Multi-Institution Analysis.” Cancer. 2020 Jun 15;126(12):2784-2790.
- Ward MC, Vicini F, Al-Hilli Z, Chadha M, Pierce L, Recht A, Hayman J, Thaker NG, Khan AJ, Keisch M, Shah C. “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Endocrine Therapy Alone versus Partial-Breast Irradiation Alone versus Combined Treatment for Low-Risk Hormone-Positive Early-Stage Breast Cancer in Women Aged 70 years or older.” Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020 Jul;182(2):355-365.
- Ward MC, Vicini F, Chadha M, Pierce L, Recht A, Hayman J, Thaker NG, Khan A, Keisch M, Shah C. “Radiation Therapy without Endocrine Therapy for Women Age 70 or Above with Low-Risk Early Breast Cancer: A Microsimulation.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Oct 1;105(2):296-306.
- Xiao R, Pham Y, Ward MC, Houston N, Reddy CA, Joshi NP, Greskovich JF, Woody NM, Chute DJ, Lamarre ED, Prendes BL, Lorenz RR, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Geiger JL, Adesltein DJ, Koyfman SA. “Impact of Active Smoking on Outcomes in HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancer.” Head & Neck. 42(2)269-280, Feb 2020.
- Sharrett JM, Ward MC, Murray E, Scharpf J, Lamarre ED, Prendes BL, Lorenz RR, Burkey BB, Koyfman SA, Woody NM, Greskovich JF, Adelstein DJ, Geiger JL, Joshi NP. “Tumor Volume Useful Beyond Classic Criteria in Selecting Larynx Cancers for Preservation Therapy.” Laryngoscope. 2019 Nov 13. Epub ahead of print.
- Xiao R, Ward MC, Yang K, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA, Prendes BL, Burkey BB. “The Prognostic Impact of Level I Lymph Node Involvement in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Head Neck. 2019 Nov;41(11):3895-3905.
- Ward MC, Lee NY, Caudell JJ, Zajichek A, Awan MJ, Koyfman SA, Dunlap NE, Zakem SJ, Hassanzadeh C, Marcrom S, Boggs DH, Isrow D, Vargo JA, Heron DE, Siddiqui F, Bonner JA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Trotti AM, Riaz N. “A competing risk nomogram to predict severe late toxicity after modern re-irradiation for squamous carcinoma of the head and neck.” Oral Oncol. 2019 Mar; 90:80-86.
- Tom MC, Ross RB, Koyfman SA, Adelstein DJ, Lorenz RR, Burkey BB, Shah C, Suh JH, Bolwell BJ, Savage C, Platz S, Ward MC. “Clinical Factors Associated with Cost in Head and Neck Cancer: Implications for a Bundled Payment Model.” J Oncol Pract. 2019 Jun; 15(6):e560-e567.
- Cui T, Ward MC, Joshi NP, Woody NM, Murray EJ, Potter J, Dorfmeyer AA, Greskovich JF Jr, Koyfman SA, Xia P. “Correlation between plan quality improvements and reduced acute dysphagia and xerostomia in the definitive treatment of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma.” Head Neck. 2019 Jan 31.
- Varra V, Ross RB, Juloori A, Campbell S, Tom MC, Joshi NP, Woody NM, Ward MC, Xia P, Koyfman SA, Greskovich JF. “Selectively sparing the submandibular gland when level Ib lymph nodes are included in the radiation target volume: An initial safety analysis of a novel planning objective.” Oral Oncol. 2019 Feb; 89:79-83.
- Ross RB, Juloori A, Varra V, Ward MC, Campbell S, Woody NM, Murray E, Xia P, Greskovich JF Jr, Koyfman SA, Joshi NP. “Five-year outcomes of sparing level IB in node-positive, human papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma: A safety and efficacy analysis.” Oral Oncol. 2019 Feb;89:66-71.
- Shah C, Ward MC, Tendulkar RD, Cherian S, Vicini F, Singer ME. “Cost and Cost-Effectiveness of Image Guided Partial Breast Irradiation in Comparison to Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Feb 1; 103(2):397-402.
- Prabhu RS, Miller KR, Asher AL, Heinzerling AJ, Moeller BJ, Lankford SP, McCammon RJ, Fasola CE, Ward MC, Patel KR, Burri SH. “Preoperative Radiosurgery for Resected Brain Metastases: Updated Analysis of Efficacy and Toxicity of a Novel Treatment Paradigm.” J Neurosurg. 2018 Dec 14:1-8.
Review Manuscripts
- Ward MC, Koyfman SA. “Transoral Robotic Surgery: The Radiation Oncologist’s Perspective.” Oral Oncol, 60:96-102, Sep 2016.
- Ward MC, Pham YP, Kotecha R, Zakem SJ, Murray E, Greksovich JF. “Clinical and Dosimetric Implications of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy for Early Stage Glottic Carcinoma.” Med Dosim, 41(1):64-69, Nov 6, 2015.
- Juloori A, Ward MC, Joshi NP, Greskovich JF, Xia P, Murray E, Dorfmeyer A, Potter J, Koyfman SA. “Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer.” Applied Radiation Oncology, 4(3):12-17, Sep 2015.
- Shang Q, Shen ZL, Ward MC, Joshi NP, Koyfman SA, Xia P. “Evolution of Treatment Planning Techniques in External-beam Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancer.” Applied Radiation Oncology, 4(3):18-25, Sep 2015.
- Zakem SJ, Ward MC, Joshi NP, Xia P, Koyfman SA. “Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Palliation of Rapidly Progressive Locoregionally Confined Sarcomatoid Squamous Cell Carcinoma.” Applied Radiation Oncology, 4(4):20-24, Dec 2015.
- Ward MC, Tendulkar RD, Ciezki JP, Klein EA. “Future directions from past experience: a century of prostate radiotherapy.” Clin Genitourin Cancer. 12(1):13-20, Feb 2014.
Letters to the Editor
- Ward MC, Prabhu RS, Burri SH. “Osimertinib in EGFR Mutation-Positive Advanced NSCLC.” N Engl J Med. 2018 Mar 29; 378(13):1261.
- Ward MC, Koyfman SA. “In Reply to Yildirim and Topkan.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Aug 1;101(5):1273-1274.
- Tendulkar RD, Ward MC, Suh JH. “Taking ‘The Game’ Out of the Match: A Simple Solution. In Regard to Wu et al”. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys, 94(3)637-638, March 2016.
- Ward MC, Videtic GM and Tendulkar RD. “Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology.” Demos Medical, New York, NY. First Edition. Dec 15, 2017.
Book Chapters
- Shukla ME, Ward MC. “Thoracic Cancers.” in Radiation Oncology Question Review, Second Edition. Weller, Joshi and Mastroianni, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 4, 2019.
- Ward MC, Amarnath SR. “Vulvar Cancer.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 45. Dec 2017.
- Marwaha G, Ward MC, Stephans KL, Videtic GM. “Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 25. Dec 2017.
- Gandhidasan S, Ward MC, Shah C. “Adult Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 48. Dec 2017.
- Kumar A, Ward MC. “Indolent Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 50. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Videtic GV. “Locally-Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 26. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Shah C. “Aggressive Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 49. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Suh JH, Murphy ES. “Ependymoma.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 53. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Suh JH. “Brain Metastases.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 61. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Josh NP. “Merkel Cell Carcinoma.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 19. Dec 2017.
- Varra V, Ward MC, Videtic GMM. “Mycosis Fungoides.” In Essentials of CLINICAL Radiation Oncology, First Edition. Ward, Videtic and Tendulkar, Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 20. Dec 2017.
- Ward MC, Ross RB. “Cell Kinetics.” In Radiation Biology Self-Assessment Guide, First Edition, Abazeed and Yu. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 13. Nov 23, 2016.
- Ward MC, Balik S. “Photon Treatment.” In Physics in Radiation Oncology Self-Assessment Guide, First Edition, Godley and Xia. 2015. Demos Medical Publishing, New York, NY. Chapter 5 pages 113-149.
- Ward MC, Ciezki JP, Stephans KL. “Brachytherapy.” In Surgical Techniques for Prostate Cancer, First Edition, Khanna, Bratslavsky and Stein. 2015. Springer, New York, NY, Chapter 8 pages 79-96.
Selected Meeting Presentations
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting: Oral Presentations
- Pham Y, Ward MC, Houston N, Reddy CA, Joshi NP, Greskovich JF, Woody NM, Geiger JL, Lamarre E, Prendes B, Lorenz R, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “Impact of Smoking on Outcomes In HPV+ Oropharynx Cancer: It’s More than Pack-Years.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2017, Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2) S134-135, 2017.
- Karthik N, Ward MC, Scott J, Mesko N, Shah C. “Factors Associated with Acute and Chronic Wound Complications in Patients with Soft-Tissue Sarcoma with Long-Term Follow-up”. Oral presentation, ASTRO 2017, Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2) S77-88, 2017.
- Kim JM, Miller JA, Kotecha R, Xiao R, Juloori A, Ward MC, Ahluwalia M, Mohammadi AM, Peereboom D, Murphy ES, Suh JH, Barnett GH, Vogelbaum MA, Angelov L, Stevens G, Chao ST. “Risk of Radiation Necrosis Following Stereotactic Radiosurgery with Concurrent Systemic Therapies.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2017. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2)S159, 2017.
- Ward MC, Riaz N, Caudell JJ, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J, Awan MJ, Vargo JA, Heron DE, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay M, Siddiqui F, Trotti AM, Lee NY, Koyfman SA. “Refining Patient Selection for Reirradiation of Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma in the IMRT Era: A Multi-Institution Cohort Study by the MIRI Collaborative.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Caudell JJ, Ward MC, Koyfman SA, Riaz N, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J, Awan MJ, Vargo JA, Heron DE, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay M, Trotti AM, Siddiqui F, Lee NY. “Refining Patient Selection for Reirradiation of Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma in the IMRT Era: A Multi-Institution Cohort Study by the MIRI Collaborative.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Vargo JA, Ward MC, Caudell JJ, Riaz N, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Zakem SJ, Dault J, Awan MJ, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Yao M, Machtay M, Siddiqui F, Trotti AM, Lee NY, Koyfman SA, Heron DE. “Optimal Treatment Selection of SBRT and IMRT for Re-Irradiation of Head and Neck Cancer: A Multi-Institution Comparison.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Weller MA, Ward MC, Berriochoa C, Reddy C, Trosman S, Greskovich J, Nwizu T, Burkey B, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman S. Cetuximab based bioradiotherapy is associated with higher rates of distant metastases than platinum based chemoradiotherapy in HPV positive oropharyngeal cancer. Oral presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)S76-77.
- Oh SC, Chagin K, Woody NM, Ward MC, Pham YD, Kittel JA, Videtic GMM, Stephans KL. “A Novel Nomogram for Predicting Distant Metastases after Lung Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy for Early Stage Lung Cancer.” Oral presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)S103.
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting: Poster Presentations
- Sharrett JM, Ward MC, Murray EJ, Belfi C, Xia P, Scharpf J, Lamarre E, Prendes B, Lorenz RR, Burkey BB, Woody NM, Greskovich JF, Geiger JL, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman S, Joshi NP. “Tumor Volume is a Better Predictor of Locoregional Failure than T and N Staging in Larynx Cancer Patients Treated with Definitive Chemoradiation.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2017. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2) E371-372.
- Cui T, Ward MC, Murray EJ, Potter J, Dorfmeyer A, Belfi C, Joshi NP, Greskovich JF, Koyfman SA, Xia P. “A 7-Year Institutional Experience in Dosimetric Quality Improvement for Oropharyngeal Cancer: Progress to Date.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2017, Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2)E331-332, 2017.
- Ward MC, Cui T, Joshio NP, Woody NM, Murray E, Potter J, Dorfmeyer A, Greskovich JF, Xia P, Koyfman SA. “One-size does not fit all: Planning Objectives with IG-VMAT for Oropharynx Cancer and Guidelines by Clinical Context.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2017. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2)E381, 2017.
- Koyfman SA, Ross RB, Joshi NP, Houston N, Reddy CA, Greskovich JF, Woody NM, Geiger JL, Lamarre E, Prendes B, Lorenz R, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Adelstein DJ, Ward MC. “Refining Risk Stratification in HPV Related Oropharynx Cancer: Implications for Clinical Trials”. Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2017. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys, 99(2)E349, 2017.
- Awan MJ, Zakem SJ, Ward MC, Machtay M, Riaz N, Caudell JJ, Dunlap NE, Isrow D, Dault J, Higgins KA, Beitler JJ, Siddiqui F, Trotti AM, Lee NY, Koyfman SA, Heron DE, Yao M. Re-irradiation Outcomes After Upfront Larynx Preservation or Total Laryngectomy: A Multi-Institution Analysis. Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Joshi NP, Juloori A, Ward MC, Qu Hai, Greskovich JG, Murray E, Potter J, Dorfmeyer A, Xia P, Koyfman SA. Sparing level IB in node positive, HPV associated oropharyngeal carcinoma: an early safety and efficacy analysis. Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Juloori A, Joshi NP, Ward MC, Xia P, Koyfman SA, Greskovich JF. Selectively sparing the submandibular gland when level IB lymph nodes are included in the radiation target volume: a safety and toxicity analysis in cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity. Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Koyfman SA, Ward MC, Houston N, Joshi N, Harr BA, Bodmann J, Ives DI, Rahe, M, Nwizu TI, Adelstein DA, Greskovich JF. Dramatic Reduction in the Need for Feeding Tube Use in HPV + Oropharyngeal Cancer in the IMRT Era. Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Qu H, Joshi N, Ward MC, Dorfmeyer A, Murray E, Potter J, Koyfman S, Greskovich JF, Xia P. Narrow-margin Image Guided-IMRT for Head and Neck Cancer: Can we Afford Not to Adaptively Replan? Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Kittel JA, Ward MC, Cui T, Murray E, Joshi N, Koyfman S, Xia P. After transoral resection for early stage, HPV-positive base of tongue cancer, could omitting the primary bed be worth the risk? A dosimetric analysis. Poster presentation, ASTRO 2016.
- Manyam B, Ward MC, Joshi N, Noble AR, Harr BA, Houston N, Nwizu TI, Adelstein DJ, Greskovich JF, Koyfman SA. “A Comparison of Control and Toxicity Outcomes for Conventional vs. Accelerated Fractionation Schedules of IMRT Based Chemoradiotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E349, 2868.
- Koyfman SA, Noble AR, Ward MC, Joshi N, Greskovich JF. “Ultra-tight Margin (2-3 mm) Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy with Daily Cone Beam CT Image Guidance Yields Excellent Locoregional Control in Head and Neck Cancer.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E346-347.
- Zakem SJ, Koyfman SA, Ward MC, Nwizu TI, Reddy CA, Lamarre E, Scharpf J, Burkey BB, Greskovich MD JF, Adelstein DJ. “A Safety and Efficacy Comparison of High Dose Definitive (>70 Gy) vs. Postoperative Re-irradiation using Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) in Recurrent or Second Primary Head and Neck Cancer.” Poster presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E349.
- Marwaha G, Zhuang T, Ward M, Stephans K, Videtic G, Xia P. “Auto-planning for lung SBRT: Quicker, without compromising quality.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E580-581.
- Pham Y, Oh S, Woody NM, Reddy CA, Ward MC, Kittel JA, Videtic GM, Stephans KL. “Marriage and Gender: Effect on Overall Survival in Patients treated with Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT).” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E410.
- Kittel JA, Woody NM, Reddy CA, Oh SC, Pham YD, Ward MC, Djemil T, Stephans KL, Videtic GMM. “Is there a Dose-Response Relationship with Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Pulmonary Oligometastases?” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E347.
- Harr BA, Hamker J, Ward MC, Bodmann JW, Ives DI, Rahe ML, Nwizu TI, Adelstein DJ, Greskovich JG, Koyfman SA. “Advanced Practice Nurse Follow up Clinic Reduces Emergency Room Visits and Admissions in High Risk Patients After (Chemo)Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancer.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E468.
- Woody NM, Noble A, Ward MC, Adelstein DJ, Khan M, Lamarre E, Lorenz R, Scharpf J, Burkey B, Koyfman SA. “Primary tumor factors not lymph node factors are associated with contralateral failure in resected squamous cell carcinoma of the mobile tongue.” Poster presentation, ASTRO 2015, IJROBP 93(3S)E334.
- Shukla ME, Ward MC, Stephans KL, Reddy CA, Garcia JA, Stephenson AJ, Rini BJ, Klein EA and Tendulkar RD. “Early Salvage Pelvic Radiation Therapy for Lymph Node-Positive Prostate Cancer Following Prostatectomy.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2014, IJROBP 90(S1)S439.
- Bhateja P, Ward MC, Bledsoe T, Reddy CA, Burkey BB, Abazeed M, Adelstein DJ, Nwizu TI, Greskovich JF, Koyfman SA. “Definitive Chemoradiation (CRT) for Organ Preservation in Locally Advanced Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Hypopharynx (SCC-HP): Oncologic Outcomes and Late Toxicity”. Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2014, IJROBP 90(S1)S542.
- Ward MC, Bhateja P, Reddy CA, Adelstein DJ, Bledsoe TB, Xia P, Nwizu T, Greskovich JF, Burkey BB, Koyfman SA. “Reduction of Severe Late Toxicity After Definitive Chemoradiation Using Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy in Non-HPV Associated Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: More than Xerostomia.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2014, IJROBP 90(S1)S535.
- Ward MC, Bhateja P, Bledsoe TB, Adelstein DJ, Nwizu T, Greskovich JF, Reddy CA, Burkey BB, Xia P, Koyfman SA. “Nasogastric Enteral Feeding Is Superior to Percutaneous Gsstrostomy in Preventing Late Pharyngeal Dysfunction in Long-Term Survivors of Locoregionally Advanced Haed and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer Treated With Definitive Chemoradiation Therapy.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2014, IJROBP 90(S1)S567-8.
- Marwaha G, Medina C, Naik M, Ward MC, Wilkonson D, Singh AD. “Ruthenium Eye Plaques for Uveal Melanoma: Long-Term Clinical Outcomes.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2014, IJROBP 90(S1) S303.
- Ward MC, Chen AY, Beitler, JJ. “For Oropharyngeal Cancer Patients, Smoking During Radiation is Still Associated with an Increased Risk of Developing a Second Primary Tumor.” Poster Presentation, ASTRO, October 2-6, 2011.
- Ward MC, Lan L, Beitler JJ. “CT-Measured Tumor Diameter as a Prognostic Indicator in Oropharyngeal Cancers.” Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 78(3)S1, Nov 2010. S429-S430.
ASCO/ASTRO/AHNS Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium, Arizona: Poster Presentations
- Greskovich JF, Juloori A, Joshi NP, Ward MC, Qu H, Murray E, Potter J, Dorfmeyer A, Xia P, Koyfman SA. “Selectively sparing the submandibular gland when level IB lymph nodes are included in the radiation target volume: a safety and toxicity analysis in cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 94(4), March 15, 2016. 887.
- Joshi NP, Juloori A, Ward MC, Qu H, Greskovich JG, Murray E, Potter J, Dorfmeyer A, Xia P, Koyfman SA. “Sparing level IB in node positive, HPV-associated oropharyngeal carcinoma: an early safety and efficacy analysis.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 94(4), March 15, 2016. 876.
- Koyfman SA, Ward MC, Houston N, Joshi NP, Harr B, Nwizu T, Adelstein DJ, Xia P, Greskovich JF. “Dramatic Reduction in the Need for Feeding Tube Use in HPV + Oropharyngeal Cancer in the IMRT Era.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 94(4), March 15, 2016. 903.
- Ward MC, Scharpf J, Adelstein DJ, Burkey BB, Lamarre E, Houston N, and Koyfman. “Validation and Comparison of Prognostic Scoring Systems in a Cohort of HPV-Associated Oropharynx Cancers Treated Non-operatively.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 94(4), March 15, 2016. 874.
- Harr B, Bodman J, Joshi JP, Ives D, Rahe M, Reddy CR, Ward MC, Greskovich JF, Nwizu TI, Adelstein DJ, Koyfman SA. “Predictors of Unplanned Hospital Admissions and/or Feeding Tube Placement in Patients with Oropharyngeal Cancer Treated with Cisplatin Based Chemoradiation.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 94(4), March 15, 2016. 893.
- Khan AM, Ward MC, Koyfman SA, Reddy CR, Bhateja PB, Adelstein DJ, Nwizu TI. “Clinical predictors of locoregional failure in advanced laryngeal cancer treated with definitive chemotherapy and radiation.” Poster Presentation, Arizona Multi-Disciplinary Head and Neck Symposium 2016.